Consular registration is an administrative procedure that concerns Algerians citizens regularly residing in a foreign country.
The consular registration card is issued free of charge. It is valid for five (5) years; its renewal have to be requested.
Citizens residing within the consular jurisdiction covering the “dépertements” of Bas-Rhin 67, Haut-Rhin 68 and Vosges 88, wishing to register for the first time, are invited to lodge a request at the Consulate General office.
Once registered, later changes in personal situation (civil status, address, profession, etc.) should be reported to the consulate by providing the corresponding supporting documents.
In the event of a definitive return to Algeria, registered person must request a removal from the consular registers.
Documents to be provided for the first registration
(Originals + A4 photocopies):
The registration application form duly completed, dated and signed, to download here.
The Algerian passport and copies of the first 3 pages, visa endorsement page and the page bearing the border police entrance into the Schengen area.
The original of the 12 S birth certificate of the concerned person and its copy.
The original of the father’s full birth certificate, for persons born in Algeria
The original of the full father’s and grandfather’s birth certificate for persons born abroad.
The naturalization decree if the Algerian citizenship has been acquired.
Proof of family situation: family record book, marriage certificate, divorce judgment, if applicable.
The residence permit with an address in the consular jurisdiction or receipt of the residence permit renewal or a valid French national identity card.
A recent proof of residence (dated less than 3 months) or a certificate of accommodation legalized by the city hall.
Proof of activity, as the case may be: work certificate, payslip, scholarship certificate, notification from POLE EMPLOI , notification of disability, retirement, or other document, as the case may be.
Five (05) recent passport-sized photographs and of the same print (size 3.5 x 4.5 cm).
Spouse and minor children born to an Algerian father or Algerian mother are registered as subsidiaries.
The spouse must present the same documents listed above.
Documents to be provided for minors (originals and photocopies in A4 format):
Registration card of the legal guardian.
The child's 12 S birth certificate plus a copy
DCEM (Document de Circulation pour Enfant Mineur) or French national identity card for dual citizens.
Two recent passport-sized photographs of the same print.
Minors are registered with the parents as subsidiaries.
The presence of the legal guardian is mandatory.
Documents to be provided for the renewal of the registration card:
Expired registration card.
application form (download here) duly completed, dated and signed
Proof of regular stay in France (residence permit or valid French national identity card) and a copy.
A recent proof of residence (only in the event of a change of address- (EDF-DGF receipt, telephone, rental or property contract) plus a copy.
Two (02) recent passport-sized photographs of the same print.
The work certificate or payslips or attendance certificate for students and trainees
Consular re-registration following a cancelation after C.C.R’s issuance or an absence for more than 10 years
Cancellation of the consular registration due to a termination of residency (Certificate of change of residence (CCR) issuance) ,or on personal request or for an absence more than 10 years, requires a re-registration for concerned citizens who settled again in the consular jurisdiction.
The same documents of the initial registration file have to be provided